sábado, 1 de octubre de 2016

Unit 5: Computers as a tool for expressing and communicating ideas

Hardware: The pysical part of the computer

Software: A set of instructions and programs.

CPU: The part of the computer that processes and executes all the commands that it receives.
Peripherals: Auxiliary devices that let the CPU connect to the outside.

  • Input peripherals: devices used to enter information into the CPU.
  • Output peripherals: devices used to  take information out of the computer ant to communicate outside it.

BIT: Minimum amount of information that a computer can represent

bit   byte   kilobyte   megabyte   gigabyte

Ports: devices or interfaces used to connect circuits or components.

Cyberbullying : the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

Grooming is a term used when actions are “deliberately aimed at establishing an emotional connection and trust with a young person in order to increase the likelihood (posibilidad) of them engaging in sexual behaviour or exploitation” 

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