martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Stages of the project approach and tools


drill: taladrar
grip: agarrar, sujetar
saw: sierra
pliers: alicates
snips: tijeras (uso agrícola o industrial)
vice or clamp: tornillo de banco (gato o sargento)
wrench: llave inglesa
mallet: mazo
wire: cable
screw: tornillo
nail: clavo
screwdriver: destornillador
brace: taladro
chisel: cincel


1. Always be patient, never rush in the workshop.
2. Always wear your lab coat as it will protect your clothes.
3. Do not use a machine or tool if you have not been shown how to operate it safely by the teacher.
4. Use hand tools carefully, keeping both hands behind the cutting edge.
5. Make a responsible use of the materials, do not waste them unnecesarily.
6. Leave the workshop clean and tidy.

Example of a greenhouse project:

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